
An interactive musical work using a questionnaire about Japan.

Answer the questionnaire


It is a musical work that decomposes questionnaire sentences about various matters in the world into parts of speech, and creates a melody with the pitch of the part of speech and the length of the word as the length of a note.

Please fill out the survey!
The responded surveys are reflected in the music.

アンケートに答える Answer the questionnaire

このリンクのバージョンではあなたの回答が即座に反映されます。 The version in this link will reflect your answer immediately.

日本語の形態素解析 Japanese POS Tagger  :  Yahoo API
英語の形態素解析 English POS Tagger :  Text Processing API
英語音節カウント English syllable count : Wordnik API
自動翻訳 Automatic translation   :  DeepL API

あなたの回答はgoogle スプレッドシートで楽譜に変換されます。

Your answer has been converted into a score in google spreadsheet.

There are a good amount of past responses, so you may not be able to see your own answers right away.


The WebGL created in Unity accesses the spreadsheet data at startup and every 5 minutes.

I originally used UnityWebRequest to access the spreadsheet, but I don't know how to set up the network, so I can't post it on this site, so I'm posting a demo version that doesn't access the spreadsheet. If you know how to solve this problem, please let me know.

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